SNOG Frozen Yogurt
An ex Unilever brand, Snog is a delicious frozen yogurt that lacks fat, shuns sugar and has hardly any calories. They opened their first Shop in May 2008, and are growing one Shop and one pot at a time.
Social Media Tools:

Content Creation
From the delightfully cheeky name to the popping pink, must-see Snog Bus and delicious frozen yogurt, Snog is a favourite for so many. Through an ongoing course of content creation, we encapsulated these iconic elements of Snog’s brand identity through bold, eye-catching creative in a way that resonated with their loyal fanbase and broader audiences alike.

Creative Campaigns
Snog x Uber Eats
We facilitated a Snog promotion – working closely with Uber Eats – giving away 4,000 free Snogs across Londonz during an Andy Murray Wimbledon match.
In addition to extensive customer care throughout the day, this process included a phase of strategy planning, and creation of supporting visuals to generate large-scale xposure for both brands surrounding the event.
Event Coverage
London Fashion Week
As part of Snog’s long-time sponsorship of London Fashion Week, we attended multiple London Fashion Week events, capturing their participation. From product placement with trendy, ideal customers, to garnering a great sense of magnetism around their brand, we provided pinpoint exposure to key audiences through a truly coordinated and event coverage strategy.